When it is pouring outside, it's a good time to take out scissors, glue and paints.

Lattialaatat on leikattu 1mm paksusta pahvista.
The tiles were cut from 1mm thick cardboard.

Toinen maalikerros on vaaleampaa sävyä ja sudittu pintaan hieman huolimattomasti, jotta tumma sävy paikoin näkyy.
The second coat of paint is lighter and I added it in a way that leaves some of the darker paint showing.

Kiiltävä lakka pintaan ja hieman likaa saumoihin.
Shiny sealer on top with a little grime added to the seams.

Ja paikoillaan.
And in place.
Onpa hyvännäköinen! Yksinkertainen ja kaunis.
VastaaPoistaThat floor looks so good! Thanks for showing us how!
Wow! That floor looks awesome! I love how you show what beautiful effects can be achieved with ordinary craft products - no need for expensive dollhouse tiles! It looks great in situe too ;-)