Eilen löytyi postilaatikosta paketti Uudesta Seelannista. Olin sopinut vaihdosta Mercedeksen kanssa. Oma pakettini odottaa vielä loppusilausta markkinavalmisteluiden vuoksi. Otankin muutaman jutun mukaan viikonlopuksi Hangon rantakallioille :)
I had a lovely package from New Zealand waiting for me in the mailbox yesterday. I had arranged a swap with Mercedes. My package is still waiting on a few things due to preparations for the fair taking precedence. But I'm taking a few little projects with me this weekend to the shores of Hanko :)
Katsokaa näitä aarteita!
Just look at these treasures!

Beautiful Pieces from Mercedes & Liberty. Love Liberty's drawing so cute..xx
VastaaPoistaYou are so welcome Susanna! You take such great photographs of everything!
Preciosas piezas, felicidades.