Tässä näkyy kaapin paikka paremmin talon etuseinässä. Viereen mallailin jo verhojakin...
This pic shows better where the cupboard will go on the front wall. I tried on curtains too..

Sain vihdoin aloitettua myös lieden rakentamisen paspis pahvista.
I also started building the kitchen range out of cardboard.

Sitten harhauduin ja tein kiehuvan ja kuplivan noidan kattilan :)
Then I got sidetracked and made a bubbling cauldron :)

Vanha lapsuuden Lunbyn mattokin sai paikan!
This old Lundby rug from my childhood found a place!
Its all looking lovely. really like the range you are building..x
VastaaPoistaSusanna, I love how everything looks! The rug is so perfect! It will be interesting to watch you build your kitchen range! It looks great already!
VastaaPoistai love your works