First off.. Nikki my dear.. this is all your fault :P
One little (oh ok, three) FB comments and I spend most of the day shaping ghost pots out of clay.. I bow at your great pot creating skills..

I like the middle guy.. he looks appalled at his neighbor's nose..
These three also glow in the dark.
Then I managed three non-glow ones.
Honestly it looks like they've had too much blueberry pie, LOL!
So this is how I've spent most of this rainy day .
Are you scared?
Me dan susto. Están muy bien hechas. Un buen trabajo para un dia de lluvia. Excelente que brillen. Me encantan.
VastaaPoistaBesos Clara
Kerrassaan hurmaavia! :)
VastaaPoistaLove them they made me giggle. LOL..xx
VastaaPoistai saw the fb exchange (didn't mean to spy i swear! XD ) and was looking forward to the results of your mini-ing! LOVE THEM! (and that they love blueberry jam??) hee hee!
VastaaPoistaÄj ihania! Saisinpa mäkin ministelyintoiluni taas käyntiin, mutta eih..