Esther got fed up with the mess in her house yesterday and told me to clean away all the stuff I'd just put in there, thank you very much...
Jotain uutta voi bongata joka kuvasta.
You can find something new in every picture.

Mercedeksen tekemä pöytä on makuuhuoneessa uuden rahin vieressä. Rahin sisälle saa tavaraa piiloon..
The table Mercedes made is in the bedroom along with a new footstool that has storage space inside..

Pölhön häkki on maalattu :) ja tuolla takana näkyy kylppärikalusteitakin.
The owl cage has been painted :) and way back there you can see bathroom furniture.

Hanat on paikoillaan!
There are faucets!

Olkkarin seinälle on tullut pitkä hylly ja yksi uusi tuoli.
I made a long shelf for the livingroom wall and glued together a chair.

Tuoli numero 2 on liimauksessa.
Chair number two in still being glued.