Tänä vuonna tein joulukalenterivaihdon Mercedeksen kanssa. Tämä paketti lähtee huomenna maapallon toiselle puolelle :D
This year I did a advent calendar swap with Mercedes. This package is off to the other side of the world tomorrow :D
PS. Mercedes, your package arrived today!!! I'm soooo excited!!!
Oooh... how exciting!
VastaaPoistaI couldn't resist taking a peep before each day of advent. I'd be so wanting to know what was in each one.
Hope you have a fab time opening each up until christmas.
Nikki xxx
How lucky you both are:) Very nicely wrapped too.
VastaaPoistaEeek! Susanna, I'm VERY excited! Can't believe it arrived to you so quickly! You'll have to take a pic of mine all wrapped for me, in my haste to get it boxed up I forgot.
VastaaPoistaBring on December!!
Apua, tuskin maltan odottaa, että tää kalenterirumba taas alkaa ;D Ihanan näköisiä paketteja! Mä en ole uskaltanut kurkkia omiani vielä juurikaan... Teidän vaihtoa tulee olemaan kiva seurata, siitä olen varma :)
VastaaPoistaWonderful.. Don't forget to show us what you get each day..x
VastaaPoistaoh wow! how exciting! I'm sure you both will be thrilled!
VastaaPoistaAll those little packages are so cute!
OMG! What a great swap idea! You must share pictures of each item. I'm sooo excited to see what is in all those little packaqes!
Wow 25 present swaps...that is a lot of work,but how fun to open it..one at the time it will be 25 days feast for you two!