torstai 21. toukokuuta 2009

Lisää värejä

Muut lumme värit ja nyt ei olekaan lampia vaan ruukkuja. Näitäkin tulee useampi myyntiin.
Joku kysyi millä teen veden.. se on scenic wateria.

The other lily colors :) And this time in "pots" rather than ponds. I'll have several of these for sale at the fair.
Someone asked what I used for water.. it is scenic water.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Susanna , be careful with Scenic water as when it gets hot it will re-melt. You might be better of using Solid Water. Here's the link to their site:-

    Mini Hugs x

  2. It is so lovely...I have made one my self some time ago,but I think I also put a Lilly in it!

  3. They are verry beautiful! Like the tub too.
    * marlies

  4. Voi hyvät hyssykät! Aivan ihania ja onneksi noita on sen verran, etteivät ihan heti lopu... tai vannomatta paras. Vitsit, että on aika vilahtanut, mukava taas nähdä kohtsillään.

  5. Susanna, they are all beautiful! I love the little bucket ponds and your lilys are amazing!
